
meetbladtek-8007544For height measurements of the catenary wire over railroad, BSE Ymond has engineered and build the BSE measurement system/pantograph. The measurement system is used to check whether or not the catenary wire is mounted at the right height. This can be done during routine inspection or after installation/replacement of wires.

The measurement system is equipped with a hydraulic cylinder to put the blade against the catenary wire. A spring construction makes sure that the measuring blade can follow the catenary wire perfectly. The system is standard equipped with a digital display that displays the actual measured height in centimeters. In this way, the actual height can be read form the display at any moment during the activities. The stagger position can be read form a scale that is mounted on the measuring blade. We can also deliver a datalogger with the machine to store the data for later evaluation or inspection.

Pantograph for inspection and installation

The measurement system can be used on many different (railroad) vehicles that are used for inspection or installation of new catenary wire. If there is no hydraulic supply present on the vehicle, a separate aggregate can be delivered with the machine. If necessary, the measurement system can be made foldable to save space when it is not in use.

meetblad3-2383126For questions or a information request please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone on +31(0)251-249704. Specifications given are indicative; many options are available to make the machine exactly meet your demands. Contact our engineering department for all possibilities. You can also use the contact form; we will react as soon as possible.











Measuring blade specifications:

Main dimensions : L= 340 mm
: B= 1700 mm
: H= 1900/4100 mm
Mass : ca.150 kg
Accuracy height meaurement : +/- 1 cm